Saturday, December 24, 2005

Eric and I spent the holiday hustling around New York State a bit. After celebrating the holiday with my roommate Gabe here in Rochester, we drove the van loaded with camping equipment over to leave at Eric's folks house and pick up the next day. from there we headed down in Eric's car to my hometown Owego to spend Christmas eve with my family. My sister Kristin was helping to coordinate the Christmas pageant at church that evening for the Mass - so we all went to the 4:30 Mass to see my nieces and nephew in the pageant. Afterwards, we headed over to my dad's to hang out and eat pizza. My friend's Burt and Mary were in town for the holiday as well, so they stopped over to visit. Christmas eve ended very late at my sister's house quietly "getting ready for Santa"

Next year I think anyone in the house still eager for Santa needs to be in bed by 4:30 [ that's all I am saying.... ]

1 comment:

Zahra said...

Look, it's that crappy tree from Chase Pitkin! It looks pretty good all dressed up ;)