Thursday, February 05, 2009

Best toy I never got

OK - I REALLY wanted one of these baby's! Some may think that my yearn for a girl's toy at such an early age was some kind of sign. They would be wrong.

My keen interest in this toy was centered squarely on the concept of Food Production.

I was a hungry kid - and just the idea of making cake in my bedroom without the need [ or permission] of a parental unit was an Amazing concept.

Never got the Easy-Bake. But by 7th grade i had moved into the REAL KITCHEN. Mom did not seem to mind me pulling out her old Betty Crocker cookbook and making ALOT of cake.
I just had to have it all cleaned up before dinner time. I did not waste my time with anything savory. Just cake. and cookies. and pasteries. And alot of red food dye.

The Cake Baking phase died out thankfully - but I still have an embedded love for Kitchens.


Jim V. said...

Tom -

Although I never wanted an Easy-Bake, Dan did. He never got one either. He also wanted the GI Joe with the real hair but only got one with fake plastic hair. I'm not sure he ever got over that either.

Anonymous said...

I was so lucky to have a sister. Of course, I snatched all those sort of toys away from her. What could be better than a little gay-boy baking cakes over a lightbulb?

And even the boy toys worried the folks. Like when I hung up a christmas ornament in the ceiling of my Castle Greyskull and turned it into a gay disco.