Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Welcome to Nebraska. Thanks for stopping by...

Pavel and crew called this morning. They were still east of Des Moines. So I had some time to get a little more prep work done. While working on some blog entires, I washed some clothes and hit Walmart again for a few things I had thought of. We all met up around 3:30 and hit the road west across Nebraska. An interesting bump on the trip occurred later that evening. Around 10 pm , we stopped of at a one light town called Chappelle Nebraska to search for gas. While filling up at a small automated gas station, we were sized up by a group of locals in a pickup. Some comments were exchanged and next we find the truck menacingly following us around town. Despite all the logics I could throw at the rather stupid situation, I actually felt threatened. A wrong turn on our attempt to leave town lead us [ and the truck] down a dead end street only heightened the tension. We finally made it back to the interstate – with the pickup tailgating us right to the onramp, without actual incident. An interesting experience. In some ways not new to me. As a gay man, I actually have been in the situation many times and sorta come to expect it in certain places. On the other hand, I think it was a first for a few of my hetero travel mates. We ended the night at a hotel in Cheyenne Wyoming. Long Day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, Tom, they don't like straight guys in Nebraska either. When a bus load of us then college students stopped at a truck stop in the middle of night and quietly went in for a bite to eat, they made it quite clear we were not welcome there.