Sunday, June 19, 2011

The outing of the supposedly slick maneuver #34

It is interesting that now with Facebook becoming a near universal place for folks to connect ( at least here in the states..) - how former minor actions seem to become so much more socially significant. Just google "defriend" and it seems that this former insignificant act now justifies
major articles and public consideration

The emotions of a facebook defriending

I yanked the plug on an old friend 2 weeks back after a trip to the West Coast. I had a pretty full trip planned and had a little time flexibility - so I started thinking who I could look up while I was in town. Burning Man friends? Facebook friends that I has yet to meet in person? I chose to look up an old friend from High School who been in a tough spot due to illness in his family. So here's how it went on Facebook:

If the above graphic is a mystery - it's an old maneuver - basically you do not respond until you know the person is out of range - there by saving you the trouble of honesty or tedium of doing something you don't want to do.

Sadly it is completely transparent and I have a hot button for being taken for stupid.

I mentioned on the phone to my sister mid weekend that I had not gotten a reply but "I am sure I'll hear back tomorrow after I have left town.." And sure enough - the reply note came Sunday afternoon precisely when I mentioned leaving San Fransisco.

So this post...while a bit of a rant - is also to maybe put to an end maneuver #34

1 comment:

cprato said...

Any friend that unfriends you is unfriended by me too! Out of the circle! Cease to exist!