Monday, December 27, 2010

Return Home

I made a point to stop back in Cheyenne on the way home from Burning Man. I caught a glimpse of the town on the previous trip and thought it would be nice to poke around on my return. Downtown has a nice Rt 66 feel to it. Lots of retro details and interesting architecture. The development phases of the town are quite evident. The central core on the main street is old Route 30 and you can see how the town developed and the turn of the century architecture gives way to the retro 50's features as you move away from downtown.

And typical of American discard culture - both the turn of the century and the 1950's architecture are in disrepair/ state of abandon and it all gives way on the outskirts of town to generic big box retail. It appears like the downtown is pretty much ignored. Very sad for a cute town.

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