Thursday, December 24, 2009

Its got to be the morning after...

Well, the annual holiday party was a bash. Despite the last minute stress bombs.

Eric and I were up early to start getting the house ready and we were moving at a fairly good clip until 9:30 am when eric turned on the vacuum cleaner. Half the house promptly lost electricity
and the breaker was not the problem.....


SO - a phone call later and the landlord and his electrician were ovder around 11 and were here for 4.5 hours trying the find the problem. Eric and I told the landlord this was the same circuit we have been having problems with and since half the circuit was still on... there was a bad junction box somewhere. Hopefully not burning in a wall....
Meanwhile - they have tools all over the kitchen and I am tapping my foot to start cooking for the party........ My sister Kristin and her friend Chris arrive to help out and they finally clean up around 3:30 or 4:00 YIKES.
So at 3:30(?) the landlord locates the problem...... turns out it is a... junction box..... in the back stairwell.....

Annnnd off we go.....

The party was great. Especially with electricity. The extra help really was awesome. I got to spend actual minutes with all our guests. Our resident photographer was on hand to document the party. But here is the morning after...

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