I Like Candy
Our friends Kara and Mitch lefts us a goodie duffle after our party. Who knew they made such big bags of Swedish fish? The problem with me [ most Americans??] is I consider the quantity presented to be a single serving....... Like the Pringle cans that contain 10[?] servings.
Yeah right....
5 oz or 5lbs - a half finished bag of candy anything represents a rip in the very fabric of Space Time and it seems like it is always my job to fix it.
Thankfully for my pancreas, i shipped off the Swedish fish bag with my sister and father for their trip to Florida. That left just the gummy starburst bag to take care of. And i did.
Reality as we know it is safe again.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Posted by
11:36 AM
Morning After
Well..... it's 9:30 in the morning. Our last guest left last night around 1:00am. I put out all the glassware before the party last night [ which exceeded the # of guests by 50%] and yet somehow- every piece is in need of a wash.....
It's looking pretty crappy outside ... so Eric and I contemplating going back to bed. Maybe the magic party pixies will show up and clean the whole house. [ it could happen..... ]
Fun night however. Got the chance to talk [ briefly] with lots of our friends. Hopefully more pics soon....
Posted by
6:49 AM
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
8 track players galore!
just found this link to vintage Radio Shack catalogs. I used to LOVE going to the store just so I could look at all the light-up switches in the parts shelves. I think i wanted to build something resembling a start trek console. Lots of lights blinking and switches switching. Glorious. Never did get to do that project - but for my boy scouts hobby show in 8th grade - I had the brightest table. 25 different kinda of Christmas lights - all blinking and bedazzling. Just mesmerizing I tell you. Other kids brought baseball cards and stamp collecting crap. BORING! no electricity!
Christmas was the best, while my hobby was stunted at home by a family that did just not appreciate making everything light up.. jeeesh. Dad had ~some~ issue with bedecking the entire outside of your house in electric splendor. All we got was electric candles in each window.
[ I got to pick the bulb color usually and it was my job to go around at 5:00pm every evening to turn them all on......] I loved the smell of hot plastic and a bit of dust burning. HEAVEN I TELL YOU.
I would love driving by the super spectacle houses . One on the way to my grandparents in Pennsylvania was amazing. They had EVERY blow-molded figure you could think of. The nativity, 14 different santa's [ including a sleigh with reindeer on the roof..] 7 snowmen, candy canes, caroler's, drummer boys, angels, some elves - all lit up! I do not remember them being in any particular arrangement. So any given Christmas - you might see Joseph jivin' with a snowman or Mary talking with Santa. Chalk one up for diversity!
And not an ounce of snow within 50 feet of the house. Go figure.
Of course - all the photon- based joy blinded me - I never noticed the broken down cars in the driveway, nor that the roof decorations seemed to be covering openings in the roof. But nevermind the details! I am sure a few aircraft were a bit confused.
Of course - the house is now abandoned [?] Did not see that coming. And I am sure the whole kaboodle, along with jesus, mary and joseph are in the bottom of a landfill now..... [ sigh]
Check out the fun!
Vintage Sears Wish books
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5:47 PM