Friday, June 15, 2007


Well, it is official. Today my house sold. I am now (-)house. House begone. I have been very focused on getting it sold since I was laid off in December. It felt little like playing chicken with a financial train approaching on the track since December. Of course, since spring arrived, I have had a chance to really watch amazing changes go on in my neighborhood. New stores, cafes, bars. It has been great to watch and think..."Awww! Now I am leaving! Darn it!" Back in May I needed to get to the airport to pick up a rental car but no one was around to drive me. SO - I hopped on my bike and took the newly renovated River trail south out of my neighborhood and then connected up to the Erie canal trail and rode to the back of the airport and right up to the rental counter. All in 15 minutes? Some people take an hour to DRIVE to the airport!
Well, I am going to miss the house and the budding neighborhood. It has been a good home for the past 9 years. Before that, I had moved yearly for the previous four years and never bothered to unpack. i just re-moved the boxes. It was great to finally have a place of my own to stay a while. A home-sanctuary-nest-retreat-shelter-abode. I had an official box throwing out ceremony when i moved in.

People said the house and the work we did reflected me well. You could walk in and get a big "WELCOME TO TOMLAND" feeling. I loved that. It was a great house to entertain in. I hosted the annual COAP Holiday party every year and even hosted my first thanksgiving 2 years back for 22 people! But with all good things, it was time to move on. That was apparent well before the (-)work thing. Picking up a second(!) hobby car without my own garage is straining my favors with friends and family. Also, [more importantly] after almost four years of making Eric commute to Rochester every weekend, it is time for us to try and make a home together. Of course, I am not sure yet what that home will actually look like.....but it will be another blank canvas to sketch on again! It should be very fun. AND I can go shiny appliance shopping again! Some selected pics from just before sale.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey I added you to my LJ :-) Hope to see you post there, you're cute WOOF:-)